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The BMW immobiliser system is very reliable from the time it has been introduced until this days. The most popular is CAS system covering most cars from 2004 - 2016. 
We are offering BMW key replacement for all E and F series cars. Programming the remote fob is performed using highest  quality tools in the market. Unlike most locksmith in London we not use china tools. Your new spare key will be made by Autohex 2 or  Bmw Explorer most professional and expensive BMW tool in the UK market.
The CAS module is the little box which can be in white or black colour. Cas module response for the synchronisation between many modules in our BMW. First it recognise weather key is correct if so giving the authorisation signal to ECU or gearbox which let us start the car.
Basically if you replace the ECU or CAS or gerabox EGS control module car wont start again without special software synchronisation.
Very important is to update CAS/FEM software which make our BMWs nearly not possible to make the key afterwords.
More advance BMW immo info you can find here

Bmw immo systems

EWS 1/3  from1996 - 2004
CAS 1/4   from 2004 - 2017
FEM/BDC  Bmw F 2011- till now

Failure of immo system

Immobiliser fault on dahsboard 
Car wont start after unsuccessful flashing
Manipulation with another software
No communication with others modules or steering lock ELV
Water damage 
Broken key

Update CAS unit

No matter if you have EWS/ CAS or FEM module we always recommend to perform software update to latest available relisted by BMW. This way making our cars much more safety and nearly eliminate thefts. 
BMW CAS 3 cars ( 2005- 2013) without latest update can be easily stolen in 1 minute with the latest update nearly not possible make new key in a quick way.


Rebuild software of used EWS/CAS unit making 40% cheaper then dealer
Replace EWS/ CAS unit for second hand.
Safety reading and writing CAS4 unit which let you make new key or KM reset or use second hand one.
Flashing update or coding all BMW known immo units.
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